Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Canon XJ86 Lens Takes A Hit And Still Works At American League Championship Series

Covering Major League Baseball can be hard on HD broadcast lenses. Just ask Corplex Mobile Television, the Lake Bluff, IL-based production company responsible for producing live coverage of the American League Championship Series (on TBS) between the New York Yankees and the Texas Rangers on Wednesday night.

The camera operator had to frame his shots for the rest of the game through a tiny hole in the face of the lens.In Game 4 during the bottom of the fourth inning, Yankee outfielder Brett Gardner hit a pitch and broke his bat, the end of which flew towards the Yankees dugout and hit a nearby $150,000 Canon XJ86x9.3B lens on a Sony HDC-1500 HD camera. The bat head broke the lens' protection filter and scratched the front element, causing the camera operator to frame his shots for the rest of the game through a tiny hole in the face of the lens. But the Canon lens and the Sony camera kept on working.

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